Thursday, June 16, 2011

Bare Rumps photo competition winner!

CONGRATULATIONS  Heidi!!! You have won a custom Bare Rumps!
This was the image that really captured my heart this month:

Also wanted to mention while I am here - with the change of my set stockings to doing random stock, and linking onto my Facebook page, I have noticed a bit of chatter of public forums that some of my posts do not appear in your newsfeed ( Facebook can be very random at times!) so you might miss out on the chance to buy one if you wish.

To get around this - this is what I have come up with:

Next random stocking I will send out a newsletter with a date and approximate time of the next stocking, I will be looking at generally 10 or less nappies being released at a time.

So please sign up to my news letter via my website The Home of Bare Rumps as this is the only way I will be informing my fans on future random stockings.

Jerry Red x

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